Science Waala Gyaan - Season 2

10: A Cure For Sleeplessness | Sleep | Cure

Episode Summary

For some sleep is as simple as closing their eyes, but there are a few who try everything to sleep like a baby and yet it looks like a far-fetch dream. If you too are dealing with such situation, then we have a cure for your sleeplessness. But don't worry friends–we've got you covered. Listen to this episode of Science Waala Gyaan and get some handy tips to beat sleeplessness.  

Episode Notes

For some sleep is as simple as closing their eyes, but there are a few who try everything to sleep like a baby and yet it looks like a far-fetch dream. If you too are dealing with such situation, then we have a cure for your sleeplessness. But don't worry friends–we've got you covered. Listen to this episode of Science Waala Gyaan and get some handy tips to beat sleeplessness.